You may be asking yourself right now, should I be taking a mortgage out when we are expecting an economic downturn? Is taking a mortgage out during a recession too risky?
Whilst a recession is undoubtedly going to affect the housing market and interest rates, this may be a good time to buy or refinance a home. Let’s discuss how a recession will affect interest rates and mortgages.
Deciding how much risk is too much is both a personal decision and one that your lender can help you determine.
Following an economic downturn and slow in consumer spending, the Bank of England may adjust interest rates to minimise economic disruption in hope to stabilise markets and improve consumer confidence to start spending. Lenders will respond to these changes and will adjusted own rates for lending on mortgages, which will be low.
Want to talk things through and get some advice? Give us a call at Expert Mortgages and we can discuss interest rates and how a recession affects mortgage rates and give you the support and guidance to make the right decision for you.
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Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. There may be a fee for mortgage advice. The actual amount you pay will depend upon your circumstances. The fee is up to 1%, but a typical fee is 0.3% of the amount borrowed.
Expert Mortgages is a trading name of Expert Mortgages Herts & Cambs Ltd which is an appointed representative of Mortgage Advice Bureau Limited and Mortgage Advice Bureau (Derby) Limited which are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Expert Mortgages Herts & Cambs Ltd. Registered Office Address: Hardcastle Burton, Market Hill, Royston, United Kingdom, SG8 9JN. Registered in England Number: 13095386.